Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Victimless Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Harmless Crimes - Essay Example A genuine case of this line of reasoning is taken from a Speech at Cornell Law School One needs to totally freed oneself of the insatiability for money to see that prostitution, in spite of the fact that authorized, can never be an authentic business since it will consistently be related with wrongdoing, defilement, class, mass sexual abuse and human dealing. Most normally the rundown of exercises and direct restricted by most harsh lawful structures incorporate, prostitution, vulgarity, nakedness, and interbreeding, erotica (sex entertainment), and homosexuality (consensual oral or butt-centric sexual action). The philosophical premise of this polarity of perspectives is significant. To the libertarian side the individual and their privileges are central. Its absolutist position is introduced right plainly in the National Platform of the Libertarian Party (received at its July 2002 show in Indianapolis, Indiana), which incorporates, with respect to consensual sexual movement, the language: Harmless Crimes - Because just activities that encroach on the privileges of others can appropriately be named wrongdoings, we favor the annulment of all government, state, and neighborhood laws making 'violations' without casualties. Specifically, we advocate: the annulment of all laws with respect to consensual sexual relations, including prostitution and sales, and the discontinuance of state abuse and badgering of gay people, that they, finally, be agreed their full rights as people; the annulment of all laws directing or disallowing the ownership, use, deal, creation, or dispersion of explicitly express material, autonomous of socially recovering worth or consistence with network norms Restriction Inquisitively enough the prohibitionist side can tally under its standard two gatherings that we may customarily viewed as in conflict, upholders of conventional strict ethical quality and extremist women's activist ideologues. It is inside the all out polarity between these two perspectives that we should look at to find a sensible answer to the essential inquiry given. In our general public the conventionalist see sets the general public as central, the substance requiring the most pride, regard and thought. Along these lines the contention goes an extricating of sexual limitations will prompt the pulverization of conventional marriage and the endless supply of swarms of unattached guys who, as everybody knows, are just intrigued by a certain something. It is especially concerning the subject of prostitution that this thought is generally unmistakable. The thinking goes this way: for what reason would a man remain with help and secure a solitary lady, with all the hindrances that such conduct involves when he could be allowed to follow his impulses and have fun without result. This perspective goes further to guarantee that the family structure is simply the essential rampart of society, and in this manner prostitution ought to be precluded. The women's activist interpretation of this methodology is an inquiry from and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
List of Ministers and Advisors Essay Example
Rundown of Ministers and Advisors Essay Rundown of Ministers and Advisors | SL| Name| Designation| Joining Date | Distribution of Ministry/Division | Name| From| To| | 1| Sheik Hasinaâ | Prime Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Armed Forces Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Cabinet Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Ministry of Defense à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Ministry of Public Administration à | 28-04-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 2| Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhithâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Finance à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Finance Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Economic Relations Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Inner Resources Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Bank and Financial Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 3| Begum Matia Chowdhuryâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Agriculture à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 4| Mr. Abdul Latif Siddiqueâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Textiles and Jute à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 5| Barrister Shafique Ahmedâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Law and Justice Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Parliament Secretariat à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 6| Air Vice Marshal (Rtd. ) A K Khandkerâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Planning à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Planning Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Statistics and Informatics Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 7| Mr. Rajiuddin Ahmed Rajuâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Labor Employment à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 8| Advocate Shahara Khatunâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Posts and Tele-Communications à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | Syed Ashraful Islamâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-agents à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Local Government Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Rural Development and Co-agents Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 10| Engr. Khandker Mosharraf Hossainâ | Ministerâ | 6-0 1-2009â | Ministry of Expatriatesââ¬â¢ Welfare and Overseas Employment à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 11| Mr. Suranjit Sen Guptaâ | Ministerâ | 28-11-2011â | Without portfolio. | 17-04-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 12| Dr. Muhiuddin Khan Alamgirâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Home Affairs à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | 13| Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim Hiraâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Land à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 14| Mr. Abul Kalam Azadâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Cultural Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 15| Mr. Enamul Hoque Mustafa Shaheedâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Social Welfare à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 16| Mr. Dilip Baruaâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Industries à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 17| Mr. Obaidul Quaderâ | Ministerâ | 28-11-2011â | Ministry of Communications à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | Roads Division à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | We will compose a custom exposition test on List of Ministers and Advisors explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on List of Ministers and Advisors explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on List of Ministers and Advisors explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Extensions Division à | 5-11-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 18| Mr. Ramesh Chandra Senâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Water Resources à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 19| Mr. Ghulam Muhammed Quaderâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Commerce à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 20| Mr. Hasanul Haq Inuâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Information à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 21| Mr. Muhammad Faruk Khanâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 22| Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaqueâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Food à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | 23| Dr. Md. Afsarul Ameenâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Primary and Mass Education à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 24| Dr. A. F. M. Ruhal Haqueâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 25| Dr. Dipu Moniâ | Ministerâ | 8-01-2009â | Ministry of Foreign Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 26| Mr. Nurul Islam Nahidâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Education à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 27| Mr. Abdul Latif Biswasâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 28| Mr. Shajahan Khanâ | Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Shipping à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 29| Dr. Hasan Mahmudâ | Ministerâ | 28-11-2011â | Ministry of Environment and Forest à | 29-11-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 30| Mr. Abul Hasan Mahamood Aliâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 31| Mr. Mostafa Faruque Mohammedâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Information Communication Technology à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 32| Mr. Md. Mazibul Hoqueâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Railways à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 33| MR. H. T. Imamâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Public Administration Affairs à | 5-06-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 34| Dr. Mashiur Rahmanâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Economic Adviser à | 22-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 35| Professor Dr. Syed Modasser Aliâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Health Family Welfare and Social Welfare Affairs à | 22-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 36| Dr. Alauddin Ahmedâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Education, Social Development and Political Affairs à | 22-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 37| Dr. Tawfiq-E-Elahi Chowdhury, BBà | Adviserâ | 14-01-2009â | Adviser to the Honble Prime Minister à | 14-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 8| Dr. Gowher Rizviâ | Adviserâ | 9-07-2009â | International Relations Affairs à | 9-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 39| Advocate Mostafizur Rahmanâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Land à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 40| Capt. A B Tajul Islam (Rtd. )à | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Liberation War Affairs à | 6-01-20 09â | Till Dateâ | | 41| Arch. Yeafesh Osmanâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Science and Technology à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 42| Begum Monnujan Sufianâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Labor ; Employment à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 43| Mr. Dipankar Talukdarâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 44| Mr. Ahad Ali Sarkarâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Youth and Sports à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 45| Advocate Md. Shahjahan Miahâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Religious Affairs à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 46| Advocate Abdul Mannan Khanâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Housing and Public Works à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 47| Advocate Md. Kamrul Islamâ | State Ministerâ | 24-07-2009â | Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Law and Justice Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Parliament Secretariat à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 48| Advocate Shamsul Hoque Tukuâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Home Affairs à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 49| Advocate Jahangir Kabir Nanakâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-agents à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Local Government Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Rural Development and Co-agents Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 50| Mr. Md. Motahar Hossainâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Primary and Mass Education à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 51| Mr. Muhammad Enamul Huqâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Power Division à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Energy and Mineral Resources Division à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 52| Mr. Mozibur Rahman Fakirâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 53| Mr. Promode Mankinâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Social Welfare à | 16-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | 54| Begum Shirin Sharmin Chaudhuryâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Women and Children Affairs à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 55| Mr. Md. Mahabubur Rahamanâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Water Resources à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 56| Mr. Omor Faruk Chowdhuryâ | State Minister â | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Industries à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 57| Mr. Md. Abdul Hyeeâ | State Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 58| Maj. Gen. (Re
Friday, August 21, 2020
Characteristics of Ego Strength
Characteristics of Ego Strength Theories Personality Psychology Print Characteristics of Ego Strength By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on December 08, 2019 Libertad Leal Photography / Moment / Getty Images More in Theories Personality Psychology Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality, ego strength is the ability of the ego to deal effectively with the demands of the id, the superego, and reality.?? Those with little ego strength may feel torn between these competing demands while those with too much ego strength can become too unyielding and rigid. Ego strength helps us maintain emotional stability and cope with internal and external stress.?? Ego Strength Background According to Sigmund Freud, personality is composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the super-ego.?? The id is made up of all the primal urges and desires and is the only part of personality present at birth. The super-ego is the part of the personality that is composed of the internalized standards and rules that we acquire from our parents and society.?? It is part of the personality that pressures people to behave morally. Finally, the ego is the component of personality that mediates between the demands of reality, the urges of the id and the idealistic, but often unrealistic, standards of the super-ego. Where the id compels people to act on their most basic urges and the superego strives for adherence to idealistic standards, the ego is the aspect of personality that must strike a balance between these baser urges, moral standards, and the demands of reality. When it comes to mental well-being, ego strength is often used to describe an individuals ability to maintain their identity and sense of self in the face of pain, distress, and conflict. Researchers have also suggested that acquiring new defenses and coping mechanisms is an important component of ego strength.?? High Ego Strength People with well-developed ego strength tend to share a number of essential characteristics. They tend to be confident in their ability to deal with challenges, and they are good at coming up with solutions to lifes problems.?? They also tend to have high levels of emotional intelligence and are able to successfully regulate their emotions, even in tough situations. An individual with solid ego-strength approaches challenges with a sense that he or she can overcome the problem and even grow as a result. By having a strong ego-strength, the individual feels that he or she can cope with the problem and find new ways of dealing with struggles.?? These people can handle whatever life throws at them without losing their sense of self. People with good ego strength tend to be very resilient in the face of lifes difficulties. Rather than giving up in the face of an obstacle, these individuals view such events as tasks to be mastered and overcome. Even when very difficult events or tragedies occur, those who possess ego strength are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and move forward with a sense of optimism. Low Ego Strength On the other hand, those with weak ego-strength view challenges as something to avoid. In many cases, reality can seem too overwhelming to deal with.?? Individuals with low ego strength struggle to cope in the face of problems and may try to avoid reality through wishful thinking, substance use, and fantasies. Low ego strength is often characterized by a lack of psychological resilience. In the face of lifes challenges, those with low ego strength may simply give up or break down.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Alice Walkers The Color Purple - 2079 Words
In Alice Walkers The Color Purple, she explores the thin grey line that stands between survival and living. Through her protagonist, Celie, she examines the dramatic shifts of empowerment; focusing on the young black girl in the 1850ââ¬â¢s. Walker introduces the reader to the protagonist, Celie, through a series of letters. In these letters the reader finds Celie amidst her motherââ¬â¢s death. The author chooses to address her letters to God, giving Celie a greater willpower to survive. Celieââ¬â¢s upbringing gave her maternal authority; as seen through the multiple maternal roles she played through the novel. Her motherââ¬â¢s death forces her to step up and fill a, painful role revealing her inner strength and ability to remain optimistic.The fullâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is through the physical pain that the reader understands the emotional strain and turmoil of the protagonistââ¬â¢s plight. The juxtaposition of survival and living are never more evident here. Her children are kidnapped; killed or sold. She has a body still recovering from the birth of a child, and she is forced to take her motherââ¬â¢s place, as a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault. Walker cleverly crafts this sens e of desperation with Celieââ¬â¢s soul baring letters to god, the reader realizes she is has no one else to turn to; her writing only re-enforces her fathers control over her. Her persevering spirit is what makes her survival so unique in the sense that she does not become embittered through any of it. ââ¬Å"I look at woman, tho, cause I am not scared of them.â⬠Telling god that she has not been traumatized at all by her motherââ¬â¢s passing, in fact, she goes further on ââ¬Å"Mabey cause my mamma cuss me you think I kept mad at her. But I ainââ¬â¢t I feel sorry for her. (Walker, 5)â⬠This for the reader is the most heart-breaking stance that she takes, as the reader is aware of the fact that her mother hated Celieââ¬â¢s guts with writing agony because her husband choose to rape her when she could not have sex with him. The reader singularly carries this sense of desperation for the protagonist as she continues to power through the intensity that surrounds her. While Celieââ¬â¢s childhood may have been filled with trauma, Walker establishes the true brutality of theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Race and Class in Alice Walkers Color Purple1622 Words à |à 7 PagesEssay on Race and Class in The Color Purpleà à à à An importantà à juncture in Alice Walkers The Color Purple is reached when Celie first recovers the missing letters from her long-lost sister Nettie. This discovery not only signals the introduction of a new narrator to this epistolary novel but also begins the transformation of Celie from writer to reader. Indeed, the passage in which Celie struggles to puzzle out the markings on her first envelope from Nettie provides a concrete illustration Read MoreLanguage and Male Supremacy in Alice Walkers The Color Purple694 Words à |à 3 Pagesviolence incident. In analysis, when husbands abuse their wives, it does not cure their hurtful feelings; it only creates problems and hurts women. Historically, Southern men in the middle 1900ââ¬â¢s, like the ones in The Color Purple, traditionally treated their wives as if they were worthless or unimportant. In her novel, The Color Purple, Alice Walker shows husbands abuse their power over their wives to escape their problems through Harpo, Mr. _____ and Grady. First, Alice Walker shows husbandsRead More Compare racial and cultural struggles in Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s The Color2850 Words à |à 12 Pagesracial and cultural struggles in Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s The Color Purple as well as Toni Morrisonââ¬â¢s The Bluest Eye. In African-American texts, blacks are seen as struggling with the patriarchal worlds they live in order to achieve a sense of Self and Identity. The texts I have chosen illustrate the hazards of Western religion, Rape, Patriarchal Dominance and Colonial notions of white supremacy; an intend to show how the protagonists of Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s The Color Purple as well as Toni Morrisonââ¬â¢s TheRead MoreAnalysis Of The Color Purple 1043 Words à |à 5 PagesIn this essay, I am going to analyze the intersectionality of oppression in Alice Walkers novel, The Color Purple. I am going to show how the political categories of race, sexuality and gender play a role throughout. I am also going to discuss Walkerââ¬â¢s own term, ââ¬Å"Womanismâ⬠and how that plays throughout the story. I will be focusing on the main character Celie, as well as other characters to help me demonstrate my analysis effectively. Celie, the main character, starts out the book writing lettersRead MoreAn Analysis of Alice Walkers quot;everyday Usequot; Essay929 Words à |à 4 Pagesp An Analysis of Alice Walkers Everyday Usep Alice Walkers novel, The Color Purple, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982. This novel, in addition to her short story collections and other novels, continue to touch the emotions of a vast audience. This ability, according to critics, has solidified her reputation as one of the major figures in contemporary literature (Gwynn 462). Born to sharecroppers in Eatonton, Georgia, in 1944, Alice Walkers life was not always easy. Her parents strived toRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1540 Words à |à 7 Pages Alice Walker is an award winning à author, most famously recognized for her novel à The Color Purple ;aside from being a novelist Walker is also a poet,essayist and activist .Her writing explores various social aspects as it concerns women and also celebrates political as well as social revolution. Walker has gained the reputation of being a prominent spokesperson and a symbolic figure for black feminism. Proper analyzation à of Walker s work comes from the à knowledge on her early life, educationalRead MoreAlice Malsenior6001 Words à |à 25 PagesAlice Walker: Peeling an Essence As an African- American novelist, shortââ¬âstory writer, essayist, poet, critic, and editor, Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s plethora of literary works examines many aspects of African American life as well as historical issues that are further developed by Walkerââ¬â¢s unique point of view. Writers like Alice Walker make it possible to bring words and emotions to voices and events that are often silenced. Far from the traditional image of the artist, she has sought what amounts to aRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Alice Walker s The Color Purple1489 Words à |à 6 PagesSisterhood and Feminism: A Literary Analysis of Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s The Color Purple Behind every beautiful thing, there s some kind of pain. The color purple represents royalty and nobility, which can be use to describe the personality of Celie and Nettie and their value of life. Purple is created by combining a strong warm with a strong cool color. The one color contain two completely opposite colors which repre sent price of royalty and nobility. The Color Purple using epistolary style to describeRead MoreReader-Response Criticism: Langston Hughesââ¬â¢ Dream Boogie1222 Words à |à 5 Pagesoverview on Literary Criticism. Literary Criticism is defined as ââ¬Å"â⬠¦an informed response a person makes to literature after openly (imaginatively) experiencing itâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Clugton, R. W., 2010). This, in Laymenââ¬â¢s terms, means that one would make their own analysis or describe a literary work after they have fully read it and came to their own conclusion. After Clugton explains what Literary Criticism is, he went a step further to explain to the reader some strategies of approaching or mapping out thoseRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1445 Words à |à 6 Pages Oppression and Strength In Alice walkerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Color Purpleâ⬠she uses foil characters such as Celie and Shug to express the polar opposites that are inevitably found when abuse occurs. Celie represents submission and low self value. Shug on the other hand represents Independence and intolerance. Both characteristics coincide bringing forth friendship and change. In the book ââ¬Å"The Color Purpleâ⬠the writer Alice Walker illustrates a story of bravery, struggle and oppression
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Collapse Of The Subprime Mortgage Market Causing A...
The collapse of the subprime mortgage market causing a global financial crisis (GFC) in 2007, has given the concept of securitisation a bad name. Securitisation is the process of conversion of receivables and cash flow generated from a collection or pool of financial assets into the marketable securities. Any asset that generates a cash flow can be securitised, which are then sold to capital market investors. Asset securitisation is the process whereby interests in loans and receivables are packaged and sold in the form of an asset-backed security (ABS). An ABS is the bond or notes backed by some financial assets. These assets consist of receivables such as residential and commercial mortgage loans, automobile loans, and credit card financing. Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are bonds that are backed by pools of mortgage loans. Examples include mortgage papers, house papers, and land and property papers. Thus in-turn, reflective of the underlying assets in the security are these two terms. Additionally, securitisation is a method of financing assets, to serve as the main source of payment to investors, it usually depends on cash flow generated from principle and interest repayments. Securitisation is one of the most fundamental and complex concepts in the world of finance. The non-existing industry began in the 1970s when home mortgages were pooled by U.S. government-backed agencies. Ten years later, financial institutions and businesses from all different aspects usedShow MoreRelatedThe Global Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081123 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 is the worst financial crisis since the 1930ââ¬â¢s The Great Depression (Reuters, 2009). Even if bailouts of banks by national governments prevented the collapse of major financial institutions, worldwide stock markets continued to drop. Evictions and foreclosures overwhelmed the housing market while severed unemployment embraced the labor market (Baily and Elliot, 2009). This global financial crisis was responsible for the decline in the consumersââ¬â¢ wealth, andRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of Lehmann Brothers1379 Words à |à 6 PagesThe 2008 financial crisis, also known as the U.S. Subprime Mortgage crisis, is considered by many economists to be the most perilous crisis faced by the modern day world economy since the 1930s Great Depression (Krugman, 2009). The collapse of Lehmann brothers, one of the worldââ¬â¢s leading investment banks before declaring bankruptcy, in September 2008 almost took down the worldââ¬â¢s financial system. Many factors such as U.S. Home ownership policies, consequential securitisation, irresponsible lendingRead MoreFinancial Crisis Impact On Institutions And Markets1196 Words à |à 5 PagesFinancial Crisis Impact on Institutions and Markets The financial crisis, beginning in 2007, negatively impacted the stability of financial institutions and markets across the world. While there are many speculative causes of the financial crisis, dealings in subprime mortgages are considered the biggest culprit. As a result, those involved in subprime mortgages, such as lenders, investment banks, credit rating agencies and securities investors were among the first to feel the crisisââ¬â¢ ramificationsRead MoreFinancial Crisis And Its Effects On The World Economy1467 Words à |à 6 PagesBetween the years of 2007 to 2008, the world was faced with a major financial meltdown with global market failures and economies in shambles. The emergence of subprime mortgages and the collapse of securitized derivatives led to much speculation of different causes. What was the root factor that led to the triggering of this financial crisis? This research conducts a comparative analysis of my research and beliefs on the cause of the crisis con trary to other researchersââ¬â¢ conclusions. It is an aim to provideRead MoreThe Success Of The Great Crash1495 Words à |à 6 Pagesuntil the market failure makes its way into the economy in 2008. The period was known as the Great Crash where combination of several failures in the economy contributed to the collapse. The Great Crash Real estate had significantly grown in popularity because as it is considered as a good consumption as well as investment (Malpezzi, 1990). Financial institutions start to offer easy credit to many, including the non-credit worthy ones, mainly the underprivileged. Credit history, financial abilityRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Caused By The Foreclosure Crisis1534 Words à |à 7 Pagessteadily rising: most people in every financial class had a credit card, a family to support, and an opportunity to do so by moving into the biggest house they could find. Mortgage loans were given out to anybody with a heartbeat and credit rating, this is called a subprime mortgage. If somebody wanted a new home they could get it, no matter if they could afford it or not. However, when interest rates started to rise people were not able to pay their mortgages and their homes were foreclosed uponRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of The United States1574 Words à |à 7 Pagesdiscuss the financial crisis that occurred in the U.S. in 2008 which precipitated one of the largest catastrophe within the housing market causing a collapse amongst the financial institutions. I will also discuss about how the banks were at fault for giving out loans to individuals who were not capable of affording to pay these loans back and all financial institutions that should have had regulations on the loans that were dispensed as well. Though, the collapse with the financial institutionsRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 20081747 Words à |à 7 Pageseconomic crisis of 2008 was one for the ages, it changed the world of investing forever. That year, the stock market crashed, bank failures and the infamous wall street bailout that can all be traced back to the subprime mortgage crisis.. The 2008 economic crisis rocked the global economy for the worst, and to this day the United States is trying to recover from the impact that the crisis had. In order to understand why exactly the banks failed people have to understand the subprime mortgage crisisRead MoreExchange Rate Fluctuation Factors On Currency1272 Words à |à 6 Pagesof 2007 had a strong impact on foreign currency exchange rates causing a weakening of the USD against foreign currency (USForex, 2015). The economic factors causing the recession resulted in a loss of 8.8 million jobs, a housing market collapse, and ultimately in the weakening of USD value in foreign currency exchange rates. Additionally, political factors such as deregulation and the banking crisis resulting in a lending collapse also contributed to the weakened state of United States (US) currencyRead MoreLehman Brothers Subprime Crisis1939 Words à |à 8 PagesIntroduction The global financial crisis that erupted in September 2008 has thrown economies around the world into a recession. The root cause were sown in the credit boom that peaked in mid-2007, followed by the meltdown of sub-prime mortgages and securitized products. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were both taken over by the government and on September 24, 2008, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy after failing to find a buyer. The fall of Lehman Brothers rattled the global market and led to a great
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hope for Melal Free Essays
The book ââ¬Å"Melal ââ¬Å"by Robert Barclay takes place in 1981 in The Marshall Islands of the South Pacific. The people known as the Marshallese are the natives to these islands. Overtime other cultures began to settle on these islands also, such as the Spanish, Japanese, and Americans. We will write a custom essay sample on Hope for Melal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Out of these three cultures the Americans were the most domineering and devastating to the Marshallese people. The Americans took over the Marshallese native land and forced all of them to live on one island in deplorable conditions. The Marshallese had their freedom revoked from them; they then had to live under the Americans rules. Two of the Marshallese characters in this story who believes strongly in withholding many of the native Marshallese custom and traditions are Jebro and Rujen. These two characters portray great hope that they can sustain these important aspects of their culture. Hope starts with believing in something one desires can happen. Sparks of hope are revealed throughout this story through the character Jebro. Jebroââ¬â¢s hope comes from believing that he can continue on the traditions of his native culture, so that the traditions will not be lost. He believes he can do this by teaching important Marshallese traditions to younger Marshallese, and Americans who take an interest in learning. ââ¬Å"Maybe on one of your days off I can swing by with a boat and weââ¬â¢ll go fish. The rules say weââ¬â¢re not supposed to stop over here, but Iââ¬â¢m sure weââ¬â¢ll get away with it. You can show me how you knew where that school was gonna come up. Or did you use that magic finger of yours? Jebro nodded, smiling now. Okay we go fishing sometime, but if you want my secrets that are worth more than any boat you give me! He laughed ââ¬Å"(Barclay 253). I think this passage in the story shows that Jebro is realizing that not all Americans like Travis, are bad people. This gives him hope that he can begin to teach Americans about what is important to the Marshallese natives, so they can come to better understand some of the traditions that the natives value. Rujenââ¬â¢s hope in this story is derived from him finally acting on his beliefs in Part 3 of the story. This took place after Rujen tried to integrate for such a long time with the Americans, which lead Rujen into such an empty ife he could no longer take it. He finally snapped and realized that he is a Marshallese and should stop pretending to be something he is not. ââ¬Å"Yokwe, he said, he drove the knife down. That was when blood came up from the mouth of the mermaid on Good Friday, 1981 ââ¬Å"(Barclay 262). I think this is Rujenââ¬â¢s first sign that he has belief that there is still hope for the Marshallese. Rujen performed this act of killing the dolphin, because the Marshallese people believe that it is bad luck to not kill any dolphin that came into the lagoon. This is Rujenââ¬â¢s way of standing up for the traditions and culture he was brought up in. If Rujen did not perform this task, the Americans were going to make it a law that it was illegal to kill dolphins. The fact that Rujen got away with this task, gives all Marshallese people hope that their traditions can still be performed. The second sign of Rujenââ¬Ës hope in this story is shown in the following passage, ââ¬Å"How could a Marshallese be trespassing on a Marshallese island? The ticket filled Rujen with an unbearable loathing of the ignorant man who had written it. He waved the ticket in front of Olyââ¬â¢s face, nearly slapping him with it. Maybe you better pay me fifty bucks! You pig ââ¬Å"(Barclay 271). In this passage Rujen is standing up for the Marshallese people in hope of reclaiming the land that had been taken from them. ââ¬Å"I like it when boys like yours go trespassing on the outer islands. All boys should go if they have the chance, instead of just lying around and drinking. He slapped Lazarusââ¬â¢s knee. Maybe we all should go, Alfred said. We should go live on those islands and tell the Army to shoot their missiles at Ebeye instead! Kinoj and the others, not laughing, seemed to be giving Alfredââ¬â¢s proposal serious thoughtâ⬠(Barclay 279). I think that this passage shows that a lot of the Marshallese agrees with Rujen. They have hope that if all the Marshallese stick together and try to take their land back over, that they will be successful. The Marshallese has real hope that they can believe in. Hope that there beliefââ¬â¢s and traditions will be carried on for many generationââ¬â¢s. If they stick together, I think that they can be successful in gaining their lives back. I believe the Americans and Marshallese will find a common ground and live happily together, and share the land. They are two different cultures, but many different cultures co-exist. People to have different beliefs and values and we can all learn from one another. If in the South Pacific everyone was governed by the same laws, and was treated equally I feel that the quality of life would drastically improve for the natives in that region. How to cite Hope for Melal, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sustainability of Timberwell Construction-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the sustainability of Timberwell Construction. Answer: Introduction: The report is prepared for assessing the sustainability of Timberwell Construction by referring to consolidated sets of sustainability reporting standards of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), 2016. Such assessment assists companies in evaluating the affect of operations of society, environment and economy. In this particular assignment, sustainability report of a residential development company is prepared by referring to specific disclosures concerning environmental, social and economic standards. Economic sustainability of organization has been explained in relation to various disclosures relating to corruptions, legal actions for anti competitive behavior and financial implications relating to climate change (Doh et al. 2016). Impact of operations of Timberwell is assessed in reference to disclosures of non-compliance with environmental regulations, consumption of energy and considerable impact of their activities on bio diversity. Later part of report depicts assessment of socia l sustainability in relation to attrition, operations and discrimination incidents. Discussion: A: Economic sustainability Assessment of economic sustainability is done in reference to several disclosures. Disclosure 201-2 is about the opportunities, risks and financial implications on organization due to climatic conditions resulting from operations. Organization complying with this disclosure would be required to report the information of any substantial change in revenue, operations and expenditure due to climatic change. For compiling the information, some additional characteristics relating to magnitude of impact, direct and indirect impact should be reported (Barkemeye et al. 2014). The timeline and plan should be reported by organization if there is no system for the computation of revenue projections or financial implications. Analysis of case study depicts that Timberwell was fined as their operations led to critically endangering coastal grassland of ecological community. Area that was cleared by company for the construction destroyed the attributes of flora and fauna. In light of this, disclosure should be made about methods that would be used for managing the opportunities and risks such as improving energy efficiency, use of carbon offsets, lower carbon footprint energy and fuel switching (Doh et al. 2016). Disclosure 205-3 is about confirming corruptions incidents and taking actions accordingly. As per this disclosure requirement, reporting organization is needs to disclose total number of corruption incidents. There should also be disclosure about any legal case file against the company and employees dismissal (Wang et al. 2015). It is required by stakeholder of company to have an interest in response of organization towards incidents and occurrence of incidents. Timberwell construction was involved in bribing the official of council projects for development of application of company through the approval process. Outcome of prosecution is pending and this should be reported in the sustainability report. Termination of partnership contracts with two external consultants should be disclosed (Vigneau et al. 2015). Disclosure 206-1 illustrates the reporting of legal actions for anti competitive behavior, monopoly practices and antitrust. It is about disclosing legal actions against company for antitrust and anti competitive behavior. Total number and outcomes of legal actions including judgment and decisions should be disclosed by organization (Fernandez et al. 2014). Analysis of case study depicts that Australian competition and consumer commission alleged Timberwell for engaging in activities of violation of monopoly practices and anti competitive behavior. They were engaged in misusing exclusive dealings and market power for preventing and deterring new entrant in the development market of Stanwell district. The case filed by ACCC against their anti competitive behaviors was filed in the Federal court that should be disclosed in the sustainability report. B: Environmental sustainability Assessment of environmental sustainability of Timberwell is done in reference to disclosures of GRI. Disclosure 302-1 deals with the requirement of company to make reporting of total consumption of energy and accordingly disclosing consumption of renewable and non-renewable energy along with heating, cool and steam consumption. Double counting of consumption of fuel should be avoided and there should be separate reporting of renewable and non-renewable sources. Computation of total consumption of energy should be done by using the recommended formula as per the disclosure. As depicted in the case study that Timberwell Construction has media released depicting that organization is energy efficient by attaching a report on energy consumption table. The table indicates that appropriate calculation tools that is used by organization as recommended by the Australian department of Science and Industry (Hoffman et al. 2014). It was also illustrated that organization relies on the increased consumption of non-renewable sources of energy by the implementation of environmental program. Hence, it can be said that Timberwell constructions complies with the environmental regulations. As per this particular disclosure, it is required by reporting organization to use local conversion factor and generic conversion factors and this is subject to different methodologies and approach. It can be seen from the case study in the section of media release that organization is complying with rules and regulations pertaining to environment. Disclosure 304-2 requires organization to report the considerable impact of their operations and services and products on bio diversity. Information relating to pollution, habitat conversion, changes in ecological process and along with direct and indirect impact of their activities. Organizations will have a clear understanding of strategy that will help in mitigation of indirect and direct effect on biodiversity (Tricker and Tricker 2015). They will be provided a background for presenting qualitative and structured information that enable to compare the impact of their operations over time. Activities of Timberwell for clearing the areas have considerable impact on attitudes of flora and fauna. Ordered was received by company for conducting external review of management plan of its vegetation (Winkler 2017). They are also required to implement the rehabilitation plan and all such actions of reporting entity should be disclosed in their sustainability report. Disclosure 307-1 is about reporting of any non-compliance with the environmental regulations and rules. There should be reporting non-monetary sanctions and considerable fines that are imposed due to incompliance with such laws. It is in relation to total number of cases that are brought through dispute resolution mechanisms, total number of monetary sanctions and significant fines (Hoffman et al. 2014). In event when there has not been any identification of regulation and rules pertaining to environment, a brief statement should be made in their sustainability report. Administrative and judicial sanctions are to be incorporated when organizations fail in complying with regulations. Activities of organization depicts that operations is not confirmed to certain parameters. Nevertheless, in certain circumstances, incompliance with such regulations results in cleaning up of costly environmental liabilities. C: Social sustainability: Disclosure 401-1 of the GRI standard is disclosing information about any new hired employee and rate of employee turnover. Disclosure should be made about newly hired employees in relation to gender, age and religion. Computation of rate of newly hired and employee turnover accounts for total number of employee within the organization. Case study depicts that due to prevailing uncertainty and dissatisfaction among employees, there is a high rate of employee turnover as seventeen employees have left. Sustainability reporting standard requires organization to make disclosure about implementation process of recruitment. This is so because higher attrition rate have considerable impact on productivity. Timberwell Construction should have proper disclosure of their employees selection and hiring process. Disclosure 406-1 is about mentioning of any discriminating incidents within the organization and corrective actions that should be taken. As per the guideline, there should be complete disclosure about discriminated incidents, actions taken and status of incidents, any accidents that are reviewed and remediation plans (Crane and Matten 2016). It is depicted in the case study that Timberwell Construction practiced discrimination among employees and one of employees was discriminated and became humiliation target within the company. Employee filed a workplace harassment claim and it received an order of updating their anti discrimination policy by Fair Work commission. Sustainability report should make the disclosure about any remediation plan that is incorporated in the internal review management. Disclosure 413-1 requires organization to make reporting about their engagement with local community, development programs and assessment of impacts. Assessment about ongoing monitoring, environment and social impact and adherence to disclosure requirement should be reported. Any particular actions taken for protecting vulnerable groups and differentiated nature of local communities is required to be considered by organization. Several numbers of tools should be used by organization for community engagement and assessing social and human rights (Du Plessis et al. 2018). Organization such as Timberwell should undertake diverse set of approaches for appropriately identifying the characteristics of community. Conclusion: The performance of Timberwell Construction has been deteriorated in terms profit generated and higher employee turnover. This has been mainly due to their incompliance with the sustainability-reporting standard in accordance with GRI. Analysis of case study depicts that company was engaged in corruption practices, anti monopolist and anti competitive behavior acts that has led to violation of such acts. All the impacts of operations of company should have proper disclosure in accordance to principles of GRI. Moreover, elaboration should be done in relation of specific disclosure requirement pertaining social, economic and environmental impact. In the current scenario, Timberwell should make strict adherence for complying with different sustainability requirement and standards References list: Barkemeyer, R., Preuss, L. and Lee, L., 2015. On the effectiveness of private transnational governance regimesEvaluating corporate sustainability reporting according to the Global Reporting Initiative.Journal of World Business,50(2), pp.312-325. Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016.Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Doh, J., Husted, B.W. and Yang, X., 2016. Guest Editors Introduction: Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Developing Country Multinationals.Business Ethics Quarterly,26(3), pp.301-315. Du Plessis, J.J., Hargovan, A. and Harris, J., 2018.Principles of contemporary corporate governance. Cambridge University Press. Fernandez-Feijoo, B., Romero, S. and Ruiz, S., 2014. Commitment to corporate social responsibility measured through global reporting initiative reporting: Factors affecting the behavior of companies.Journal of Cleaner Production,81, pp.244-254. Hoffman, W.M., Frederick, R.E. and Schwartz, M.S. eds., 2014.Business ethics: Readings and cases in corporate morality. John Wiley Sons. Ruiz-Lozano, M. and Nieto, R.R., 2018. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in Human Resource Management. InBusiness Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications(pp. 1219-1232). IGI Global. Tricker, R.B. and Tricker, R.I., 2015.Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA. Vigneau, L., Humphreys, M. and Moon, J., 2015. How do firms comply with international sustainability standards? Processes and consequences of adopting the global reporting initiative.Journal of Business Ethics,131(2), pp.469-486. Wang, D.H.M., Chen, P.H., Yu, T.H.K. and Hsiao, C.Y., 2015. The effects of corporate social responsibility on brand equity and firm performance.Journal of business research,68(11), pp.2232-2236. Winkler, D., 2017. How do multinationals report their economic, social, and environmental impacts? evidence from global reporting initiative data.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Andersonville Prison Essays - American Civil War Prison Camps
Andersonville Prison Andersonville Prison Andersonville prison opened on Feb. 24, 1864. It was the ideal prison. It's located in Sumpter County, Georgia. The prison was originally called Camp Sumpter. At first it was 16.5 acres then expanded to 26 acres. It was 1010' long and 780' wide, constructed of pine logs with thickness of a foot. A small creek ran through the middle, it was the only source of water. The prison caused many things like: misery, suffering, and death. It was only open for 14 months; from Feb. 1864 till May 1865. During that time,13,700 died in confinement. They died of various reasons like: tainted food, starvation, dirty water, filth, and diseases such as scurvy, gangrene. The prison was designed to hold only 10,000 union soldiers. In June, 1864, it held 20,000 men and in Aug. '64 it held a whopping 33,000! A total of 49,485 men were detained. In 1822 Henry Wirz was born. He earned a medical degree. He was a captain. He worked at other prisons before taking command of Andersonville in April, 1865. He became a major at the end of the war. He was took into custody by the Union in Nov. . On Nov. 10 1865 he was hanged in the Old Prison in Wash. DC for various war crimes, such as: murders of Union soldiers. It is now a national cemetery and it became a national historic site in 1970. American History
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The Awakening, A Dolls House and the Quest for Freedom essays
The Awakening, A Dolls House and the Quest for Freedom essays THE AWAKENING, A DOLLS HOUSE AND THE QUEST FOR FREEDOM Both The Awakening by Kate Chopin and A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen involve a quest for freedom. Both lead characters, Edna and Nora are trapped by societal rules and regulations. The women are also controlled by their husbands. In The Awakening Edna obtains freedom through committing suicide, and in A Dolls House, Nora leaves behind her husband and children. At the beginning of The Awakening, Edna is trapped, living in a cage, where her role in society is to be a mother and a wife. Her husband, Leonce believes that Ednas role is to look after the children: He approached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the children. If it wasnt a mothers place to look after children, whose on earth was it? He himself had his hands full with his brokerage business... However, Edna does not suit the role as a mother: In short, Mrs. Pontellier was not a mother-woman. The mother-women seemed to prevail that summer at Grand Isle. It was easy to know them, fluttering about with their extended, protecting wings when any harm, real or imaginary, threatened their precious blood. They were women who idolized their children, worshipped their husbands... Edna has been placed into the role of motherhood without having any talent for it. She does not want to live the life of Adele Ratignolle, who is a great mother and wife. Instead she aspires to be an artist like Mlle Reisz. In New Orleans, she ignores her housekeeping chores, and engages in painting, to discover her inner self. She begins to do and feel whatever she wants. Her neglect of her household duties angers her husband, but she no longer submits to his domineering. Edna has the housemaid looking after her children while she is painting. In A Dolls House, Nora puts on a facade in her home. She plays the role of a pet to her husband, Torvald: Th...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Utilitarianism an Unreasonable Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Utilitarianism an Unreasonable Happiness - Essay Example Indeed there are powerful cultural influences to continue consuming even if it requires going into debt, which happens frequently. If so many people shoulder the unpleasant cycle of indebtedness in order to continue consuming, it seems a shift in the entire paradigm of capitalism based on distant people and the abstract next generation is unlikely. However as an individual who has a deeper understanding of the consequences of wastefulness and pollution, I have a greater ethical obligation to make conscious decisions regarding what I use and discard. There is a deep and vested interest to keep Americans consuming goods and services that they do not need strictly for survival purposes. The growth of the economy depends on many people spending money which drives industry to create more consumables. The most successful marketers are able to tap into and manipulate the aspects of identity that are significant to our sense of well-being. If a dramatic drop in consumption occurred, real and present negative consequences will occur, including many people losing their own job. This is a short term problem compared to the consequences of environmental change; however, drastic change in the average life style of most Americans would cause a lot of unhappiness. A fundamental change would have to occur that shifted economic models away from
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
SAINT LOUIS ARENA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
SAINT LOUIS ARENA - Essay Example The arena was one of the most magnificent pieces of art and architectural designs that ever saw the light of the day. It stood from the time of its construction in 1929 up to the end of the nineteenth century in 1999. During the time of its standing, it was home to one of the most notable and reputable sporting outfits and franchises of the day such as the Saint Louis Arena Blues. It is important to note and mention that the Saint Louis Arena served as a mix of site for diverse and various sporting, social and political conventions of the time. To begin with, concerts, circuses, indoor soccer matches, circuses, horse shows and political rallies were all hosted within the realms of the Saint Louis Arena. Historically, the time of the construction of Saint Louis Arena, the world and the social or cultural disposition at the time was dynamic. It was the specific time period where the African American society was clamoring for an increase in the political and social space in the society. Thus, there was a clamor by the authorities and the powers that were at that point in time to stamp their authority as a distinguishing factor. This was aimed at creating a design and building which would mark and stamp the social influence and impact of the powers that were. Tentatively, in the year, 1904 when the World Fair had just been concluded and as culture and tradition dictated, it was the time for the annual hosting of the indoor games, horse and agricultural shows. The management of the municipality of the city did tear down the Saint Louis Music hall and the Saint Louis Arena Exposition and then built the Saint Louis Coliseum. The Saint Louis Coliseum was constructed with the objective or aim of hosting events and shows such as boxing matches (Greco 12). It is worth to highlight that the building which were torn down were a symbol of authority and show of pride.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Case Study On Marketing With Facebook
Case Study On Marketing With Facebook 1. Introduction What makes Facebook so successful and why it is used by all companies today for marketing? These are the two questions are going to be answered in this paper. There are other social networks available like Friendster, Orkut, Myspace etc. still Facebook is preferred due to the number of users using Facebook, amount of customization provided and peer pressure to stay in competitive in the market. With more than 500 million users and many adding many more adding every day, Facebook has become the preferred choice of marketers who are looking for more innovative ways to outsmart their rivals in all fronts. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook and it was started in 2004. It was open to all users worldwide in 2006 and it has grown in such a speed that if Facebook was a country it would have been 6th most populated country in the world. According to, US market share of Facebook in Social networking websites and forum is 61% of the total market share is for Facebook. 1.1 What is Facebook? Facebook is a social networking site which was started in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. It has 500 million active users. Any person who is 13 years old or more and who have a valid email address can create a user profile in Facebook. Users can create a profile page, add others users in Facebook, can add their common interest groups, communicate with each other, can share photos etc, see news feed, applications etc. According to December 2010 report of an Internet market research company, Facebook is the second most visited website in the world just behind Google. To visit Facebook visit the link and it looks as shown below. 1.2 Introducing Facebook Marketing to Business The question all the companies ask is how it will help them. What will be ROI on investing in Facebook for marketing? Anyone can create a Facebook page, but an official representative of a business can create a Page and can serve it as an admin to the page. Admin can have security given to the Page like approval needed by admin to join the page or denying permission for user from a particular demographic region. Pages are designed to provide basic information of the page and can have discussion boards, ability to comment by user assessing the page and also uploading user generated contents. Benefits for Business to Consumer marketers are that they can use this page to generate more interests in their customers. B2C were the first marketers to realize the potential of using Facebook for marketing as they can use this page to generate interests in their new products, or generating news feed using user participation which allowed them to generate more participation and also word mouth to increase their popularity. It also allowed company to improve companys search engine rankings. Benefits for Business to Business Marketers are using Facebook as a feedback loop where customer can ask any questions or can participate in appreciating a product which will help to leveraging new customers. It can also used by Big companies to share knowledge and help employee communication. To create a Page in Facebook Page, go to and give the necessary details required. 2. Using Facebook in business 2.1 Creating a Page for Business Before you can start marketing in Facebook, you need to be part of Facebook user community. It gives lot of opportunities to organizations to get exposure. In Facebook, your ability to connect and influence the users can be the main factor in success or failure in achieving your objectives. Unlike other marketing fronts, marketing with Facebook is a 2 way model where customer and companies can communicate and share the ideas. You can create an account in Facebook by going to the home page of Facebook which is When creating a Page in Facebook main thing to note will be what is the objective of the page and how can you achieve your objective. Facebook doesnt limit the number of users who can become fan of your page. To access a page, the users must become fan of the page. It is a term used by Facebook for the users to connect to a particular page. 2.2 Creating a Facebook Marketing Strategy First step for creating a Marketing Strategy would be to have a nice Facebook page. Facebook pages come in three categories. Local: These pages are for business that would benefit from a strong local market presence. A restaurant or a cafà © can be example for the same. Brand, Product or Organization: These pages are for larger businesses which can include also non-profit organization. Example for the same would be SAP, Versace, and Red Cross etc. Artist, Band or Public Figure: These pages are used by popular artist or celebrities. Barack Obama and Kraftwerk can be good examples for the same. The best way to create a good Facebook page would be to keep some points in mind like keep it simple, fresh, specific to the product or company and main would be to think about the fan base. If these points are considered thought fully we can create a very good page. Please see an example of a page. This is a Facebook page of Nike football Deutsch. You can create a page by going on the link and once created we can start with customizing of the page. Apart from some basic element we can customize Facebook according to our liking. There are many tabs which are present in your page like wall tab where users can comment on your page, Info tab is used to give information about the company, and other tabs can be used according to companies requirement. For example we can have event tab where we can show upcoming event of the company or products, some other tabs are videos tab and photos tab. You can also have applications in your tab. We can have discussion tab for users to use effectively communicate about our existing product or upcoming products. Once we have created a page, next step would be to think about the privacy. We can have different privacy ranging from limiting users from a certain demographic area to limiting users based on age group. 2.3 Advertising your Facebook page Now that we have created a page, we need to advertise our page. We need to have more user interaction in our page that gets noticed. There are many ways to promote our page in a smart way. The following are the smart ways to promote. Adding Application One of the ways is to add application to our page. We can do by posting in our wall and also in the news feed of users who are there in your page. Facebook has different apps for different categories like Business, Entertainment, and Sports etc. Posting information We can post some link of the company newsletter or blogs which are interesting news about your company or business. Commenting on Discussion tab By commenting to members discussion or your page shows that you are engaged in the feedback and this adds value to the discussion. This will make your customers more eager to discuss various things and will show your transparency. When a user become fan of our page, it is shown on their wall and can be seen by others who have not seen your page and this can help in promoting your page indirectly and this can be effective as this can be a way for endorsement of our product or business. 3. Strategies for Advertising Success There are different ways to advertise in Facebook. Some of the key strategies are as follows. Our marketing strategy should be based on following objectives like Building brand awareness, Increasing Sales, and active participating in discussions with the customers. 3.1 Different Advertisement Strategies Building brand awareness A brand is something how you define your business or product. It is a major factor in defining marketing goals which can help in creating more brand awareness in our existing and potential customers. Here you can discuss with your customers to know about customer needs. You can promote about your presence in Facebook by using your company website or using printed newsletter. You can also sent email to people who are not in Facebook about your page. Increase Sales Main aim of advertising is increasing sales. Facebook page can be used to promote various offers and discount in your products. You can have a link in Facebook which will lead the customers to your company website where they can read more about special offers and various things about your brand. Facebook Marketplace can also be a nice place to advertise if your products are tangible goods. You can have some exclusive events to Facebook customers using events tab. This way you can show them you are taking the Facebook customer seriously and it can also increase the fans for your page. Participating in discussion You can discussion with your customers from your page. There is a discussion tab which can be used for many things. We can use these results when we are thinking about launching a new product. Facebook ads are like online banner ads. But here when a user clicks on the ad it will redirect them into your page, Facebook ads are made of image, some information and a title. Ads on Facebook are purchased with pay for clicks (CPC) and pay for impression (CPM). You can buy Facebook ads by going on the link If you go to the link you can make the advertisement. You can have your specification listed like what demographic region you are targeting and other specifications are needed and then Facebook will calculate the cost for the advertisement. Below is the way how you can create an advertisement on Facebook. Next step in advertising on Facebook is deciding on the budget you want to spend on advertising. For example, a Blog will cost nothing, a podcast can cost around $2000 but for advertising using Facebook is free unless you add some apps or have dedicated advertising created using Facebook advertising. The real cost of creating a steady stream of content in your website which has to be managed. 3.2 Buying and Selling in Facebook Marketplace This is a free service from Facebook where you can buy and sell products. Here users can have classified ads for the following category like For Sale, Housing, Jobs, Rentals etc. We can access this website from the link which is as shown below. Here we can sell anything which is advertising our Tangible goods. This can be a good way for selling goods as this is free service and we dont need to spend any money on the same. So whatever goods sold in this way can be added to our profit. 4. Facebook Viral Marketing Facebook Apps have become the most important tool for the marketers. There are more than 52000 apps in Facebook according to Facebooks Statistics. Facebook apps are the software application that we can integrate in our Facebook page or profile which can add a unique personality to our page. We can either create our own apps or we can use other apps. There are many apps which is available for free and also we can have a pay per install model. In this model we need to pay when a user installs the apps. To see the list of apps go to the link which can seen as below. There are different categories of apps available and we can select apps according to our needs. 4.1 What is Viral Marketing? Viral Marketing means how your marketing suddenly gets popular among the customers. The sudden rise in popularity of your brand can be termed as viral. When you offer good incentives, customers get excited and through word of mouth your brand will get popular. 4.2 Different ways to promote Facebook Viral Marketing The main aim of viral marketing is to create more brand awareness and to increase sales. Keeping this in mind, we can have Contest, free gift etc. In the end we can have more customers visiting our Facebook page and also can visit our company website. We can have the following things keep in mind while making the promotional contest. Keep it simple Keep the competition simple. Dont try to put complicated rules. If the competition is simple more users will try the contest. Offer an exciting price Customers are always excited when the price you give is nice. Better the gifts more customers will try the contest. Price neednt have to be pricey. We need to think about giving some unique prices like pre event party tickets, meeting a celebrity or putting the winner in companys new advertisement. Use existing fan base Getting noticed with a promotional event is the hardest part in Facebook contest. You need to promote this event using your company website or through the Facebook pages wall etc. Run the promotional event for a month The promotional event should run for at least a few weeks up to a month. We need time for word of mouth advertising. The more time we keep the promotional event active more users will check the event. But it also has some drawbacks like it shouldnt be running for more time as it can also have a negative feedback from the customer as they might think we are not updating our Facebook page regularly. Integrate it with media campaign This is the most important part for making the event successful. We need to promote the event on our company website and other mediums through which we do our advertising. In this way we can have more users using this event and we will also generate a viral effect. We can use Facebook ads to promote our event which can be visible by larger audience and we can be sure of the event turning out to be a large success. There were many companies who tried to use this promotional event for getting popularity increased. The best example for the same is recent promotional campaign launched by Burger King. In this campaign they asked all the users to delete 10 friends from their friend list to get a free whopper burger from Burger King. This promotional event became so popular that they had to shut down the event. These are just examples which show that you dont need to spend high money or give away cost prices to attract more people. We can use surveys to collect statistics for market research. This can be done in Facebook and it will also be more cost effective and accurate than the normal way to data gathering. There are many free Facebook apps available for survey like Polls, Daily experience survey, YouGov etc. We can use these survey apps integrate into our page and can be used effectively to know more about what customer thinks about our brand and can interact with them directly to find more ideas for improvement. Below is one of the example of how survey application look like. We need to join this application to add this to our page. You can use Facebook connect to have broader reach of the viral marketing to Third-party websites, devices or applications. Facebook connect was launched in December 2008 and since then more than 15000 websites, application and devices have implemented it successfully. Facebook connect is a feature through which you can extend your Facebook platform to other websites and ask Facebook users to use their login of Facebook to connect to that Facebook- Connect enabled website. The best of Facebook Connect is that it is free of cost. The main feature of Facebook Connect is that using this facility, Facebook users can interact on other websites which will be reflected in the Facebook. The best part of Facebook Connect is that it eliminates the users from registering to a new website for accessing them. This makes users more convenient to surf your websites, blogs etc. For example, if you want to upload or wanted to comment in previously it was necessary to have a username and password but now using the Facebook connect facility users doesnt need to have a registered account with CNN. If you have a Facebook account you can directly access the website by giving your Facebook account details which is shown as below. To integrate this Facebook connect feature to a website, we must register and receive an API (Application Programming Interface) key via Facebook Developer Apps page. To get more insights of Facebook Connect visit the following link It is free to register for a Facebook API key. Once we have the API Key, we can create a Facebook app and configure it to point it our website. This is termed by Facebook as Callback URL field. The above mentioned features are mainly responsible for creating Viral marketing of our brand. This if done properly can surge our sales to amazing levels. 5. Social Media Optimization (SMO) In the last couple of years search engine has become an important tool for online business but these days Social media optimization (SMO) has become most popular techniques to promote products and services in the market by the mediums of various social media book markings and Facebook has provided a unique and new medium for the marketer to innovate and reduce their cost of advertising. Search engine optimization techniques can be broadly classified into two Categories into two which are on-page optimization and off-page optimization; these techniques are very helpful for improving traffics for a website. Some point should be included in social media optimization Know how to target your audience create content create a SMO strategy Book marking and tagging Increase your link ability SMO should be a continuous process 6. Advantages of using Facebook in Business Facebook platform has turned out to be one of the most powerful platforms for business since the invention of Adwords by Google. Below are the key benefits of using Facebook. More Activities in our Facebook page can work as a SEO for search engine Any users in Facebook can find about our brand with the help of Facebook page. Marketing is not limited to a demographic region in Facebook Attracts more Clients Run promotional events for Fans Can Sync our company website to our Facebook Blog Can deal with unsatisfied customer more conveniently 7. Conclusion As we can see marketing with Facebook can never be termed as highly complex thing. It is simple and easy way to attract more customers in this modern competitive world where competitors are constantly trying to outsmart their rivals to gain more market share. Creating a Facebook page is a free and easy way to increase your visibility of your brand. Using different techniques like Events, Facebook Ads, Promotion, Discussions and all a company can increase their reach globally. There are more than 500 million of users and to advertise to these users using old marketing way of TV, Radio and all can be very expensive. So this is a cost effective and latest way to improve your Sales using the latest technology trend which is Facebook.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Graduation Speech: Happiness is Success :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
A few months ago I was sitting in the guidance center waiting for some transcripts. I was having one of those "high-stress, low-patience" days and I was just in a very bad mood. As I waited, I noticed a little book on one of the coffee tables called "What happiness is." Cynically curious, I picked up the book and fingered through it. Each page was different quote about what happiness is, and as I read each one, I started to slowly lift out of my bitter mood. The first one I read was "Happiness sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." - John Barrymore. I could buy that, I was starting to feel a little better. The next one I read was "All who would win joy must share it, happiness was born a twin." - Lord Byron. Now that felt good to read my present mood. Eagerly, I read the third one. "Happiness is going to the 20 year reunion and finding that the boy elected most likely to succeed, didn't." Needless to say, I felt a little disenfranchised by this one. Having won that category in the yearbook this year, I felt a sudden added pressure. I was now indentured for 20 years to try to succeed in order to keep all of you from being happy. It was a lose-lose situation for all of us. For a time after, my thoughts often drifted to that 20-year reunion. How was I going to be successful? How was I going to insure I fulfilled my high school yearbook's prophecy? How was I going to be a success? Immediately, my thoughts drifted to money. Success to most Americans immediately means big houses, hot cars, bling-bling. I had no guarantees to myself that I would be a success. There was nothing I could do but continue to work hard, stay up late writing papers and hang posters my entire life for dances. I didn't necessarily want this. So I began to question what success is to me. And it's more than the cliche of happiness. What success is to me, could be radically different than what success is to anyone else in this room. It's up to me to define it for me. It's up to me to decide what I have to do in my life to make it a success. We all set our own expectations.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A Woman of No Importance
The purpose of this essay is to analyze, explain, inform, and suggest. An analysis of the various gender/sexuality, social status, religious, and governmental power struggles that existed in the play is presented. Explanation of various leadership styles is given.Information on whether or not the analyzed power struggles were evident in England and America. Suggestions about why these two countries differed are given. The review begins with a discussion on the ââ¬Å"First Actâ⬠.First ActIn the ââ¬Å"First Actâ⬠, there was discussion on how some American states are as big as the entire countries of England and France. Also, conversation between Lady Caroline and Miss. Worsley (Hester) was about how Lady Caroline thought that Miss. Worsley had not right to be so particular over the people that others invited her to meet.This was because Miss. Worsley was considered as a foreigner and Mrs. Allonby (the lady that Hester did not know if she would like or dislike) was considere d to be royalty (Wilde 1893). As a result, this scene suggested that everyone in England is not treated equally. In fact, this inequality later manifested itself in a number of conversations between various characters in the play. However, unfair treatment between men and women in England is not the only conversation in the play.The discussion shifted to how society perceived working individuals in both England and America. In England, workers never had the opportunity to become acquainted with high society. In fact, the high society members of England were considered more important and respected than those who held jobs (Wilde 1893).This provides an indication that Englandââ¬â¢s power was one of a hierarchy where those at the top make all the decisions for the lower class levels to follow. In America, the play portrayed the people with the jobs as those who were highly respected in society (Wilde 1893). This showed a power shift to the working class because this class had purcha sing, bargaining, and selling power to keep the economy moving forward.At one point, Hester stated, ââ¬Å"Mr. Arbuthnot has a beautiful nature!ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËHe is so simple, so sincere.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËHe has one of the most beautiful natures I have ever come across.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ë[I can say that] it is a privilege to meet him (sic)ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Wilde 1893, First Act).This statement is reminiscent of stereotyping. It indicates a power of persuasion that people are often able to portray themselves as having a good personality. However, in reality, they have faults and other faulty characteristics that would cause others to think of them in a different manner. Also, the fact that women had to conceal their feelings in Englandââ¬â¢s society, made it difficult for people to know their true personalities.Lady Caroline said, ââ¬Å"It is not customary in Englandâ⬠¦for a young lady to speak with such enthusiasm of any person of the opposite sex.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËEnglish women co nceal their feelings till after they are married.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËThey [are allowed to] show them thenââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Wilde 1893, First Act). This passage suggests that England does not consider it lady-like for a woman to express interest in a man until after marriage.In America, this would not have worked because women were able to have friendships with men they did not intend to marry. Furthermore, some American women engaged in sexual activities with men before marriage. The play portrayed the differences between how England women and American women are treated when it comes to this issue throughout each scene (Wilde 1893).In another discussion, Lady Hunstanton expressed an interest in the fact that Lord Illingworth did not marry lady Kelso because she either came from a large family or her feet were too big (Wilde 1893, First Act). This suggests that royalty in England chose spouses based upon their appearance and whether or not they would fit into high society. In America, for the most part, people got married based upon the amount of love and respect they had for each other and not for the size of oneââ¬â¢s family or feet.At some point, Kelvil entered into the discussions. The passage where he talked about ââ¬Å"I find that the poorer classes of this country display a marked desire for a higher ethical standardâ⬠(Wilde 1893, First Act) is reflective of how many of Americaââ¬â¢s working poor strive hard to achieve the American Dream.However, at the same time, when Kelvil said, ââ¬Å"Women are always on the side of morality, public and privateâ⬠(Wilde 1893, First Act) he is placing gender constraints on the political views of women. Yet, when Lady Hunstanton indicated, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦that dear Lord Illingworth doesnââ¬â¢t value the moral qualities in women as much as he shouldâ⬠(Wilde 1893, First Act) she was placing limitations on the values and beliefs of high society England.That is why when Lord Illingworth enters the scene he voiced his displeasure in being talked about behind his back (Wilde 1893). In America, people are talked about behind their backs all the time. This gives no party more power but often causes conflicts to occur that are hard to resolve. Rather than a win/win scenario occurring, these conflicts often create avoidance issues and that is a lose/lose scenario type. Perhaps this is why England women are expected to conceal their eagerness towards men.While other conversations are noted, the discussions shifted to how American women should stay at home and stop traveling to England to find husbands (Wilde 1893). This shows a belief that England did not want its citizens marrying other cultures. At this point, the discussions are nearing politics.Lady Hunstanton pointed out that no country has good politics. As the conversation continues, Kelvil said, ââ¬Å"You cannot deny that the House of Commons has always shown great sympathy with the sufferings of the poorâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Fir st Act). This suggests that the poor in England must struggle to survive due to little assistance from Englandââ¬â¢s government. Not too long after this, the conversation shifts to Englandââ¬â¢s East End and how it needs fixing. The problem is that slaves are amusing the higher society, according to Lord Illingworth (Wilde 1893, First Act).Later on in the scene, conversation turned to debt. Lord Alfred talked about how everyone he knows is in debt (Wilde 1893). This is reflective of Americaââ¬â¢s society today. Many people do not get the things they want unless they can charge those items to credit cards and then pay them off later on. In the play, discussion was about how Americans were always well dressed and did their shopping in Paris for clothes (Wilde 1893). So, even in early centuries, Americans went into debt to make sure they looked and felt good.In fact, the fine apparel and good looks were not reflective of the plain look that was discussed in the play. Mrs. Allo nby said, ââ¬Å"Curious thing, plain women are always jealous of their husbands, beautiful women never are!â⬠(Wilde 1893, First Act). This suggests that plain-looking women in England had low self-esteem issues. In America, it is possible for any type of woman to fear her husband will cheat on her.Later on in the scene, Lord Illingworth indicated, ââ¬Å"One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything except a good reputationâ⬠(Wilde 1893, First Act). This means that anyone with a good reputation is highly respected even after death. It also suggests that everyone has something to live for and that is to have a good reputation when they die.Second ActAs the ââ¬Å"First Actâ⬠ended, the ââ¬Å"Second Actâ⬠came in with a strong discussion on a womanââ¬â¢s place in society. Mrs. Allonby made known her belief that women should stick by their husbands and not let them be alone. Lady Caroline talked about how a womenââ¬â¢s place in society is to look after her husband. She also said that bachelors should be forced to marry within 12 months time. In addition, Lady Caroline made a reference to women as property and Mrs. Allonby pointed out that people should not be discussed in that type of manner (Wilde 1893).In a sense, human property is slavery. Earlier in the play, it was discussed that this was a problem in England (Wilde 1893). However, America went through its own trials with slavery as well. Fortunately, when the right government came along, slavery was abolished in America and many African Americans have contributed greatly to the world. In particular, Martin Luther King, Jr. helped end slavery and for that, he has his own nationally observed holiday.The discussion on men in the ââ¬Å"Second Actâ⬠is of major significance. This is because the type of man that each woman wanted was their Ideal Man. à Lady Stutfield desired a man with a square chin. Mrs. Allonby told her that Ernest was that type of man. However, Lady Caroline reflected,The Ideal Man! Oh, the Ideal Man should talk about us as if we were goddesses, and treat us as if we were children. He should refuse all our serious requests, and gratify every one of our whims. He should encourage us to have caprices, and forbid us to have missions. He should always say much more than he means, and always mean much more than he says. (Wilde 1893, Second Act)This type of man would possess charismatic leadership qualities. A charismatic leader is able to get others to follow him because of his personality.On the other hand, Mrs. Allonby wanted another type of man. Mrs. Allonbyââ¬â¢s Ideal Man ââ¬Å"â⬠¦should persistently compromise us in public and treat us with absolute respect when we are aloneâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Second Act). A person who compromises creates a win/lose scenario. Basically, the thing that is compromised works in the best interest of the one doing the compromising. In this sense, transformational lead ership qualities are evident. This type of leader does whatever he can to get others to come on board with his ideas. In fact, transformational leadership exists in America. Remarkably, due to the effective leadership styles that both men and women have as reflective of Miss. Worsleyââ¬â¢s explanation, her conversations take on new meanings as they come to light in the play.Miss. Worsley said, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦true American society consists simply of all the good women and good men we have in our countryâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Second Act). This implies that a high standard of ethics, humanitarian, and utilitarian exists. As a result, these men and women represent the universal leadership style. In this type of leadership, the leader is an active listener and among other qualities, looks out for the best interests of all parties that are involved.Lady Hunstanton saw England as being too artificial when it comes to social class (Wilde 1893). This suggests that the upper class in England has their noses held high in the air and considers their class to be the best that England has to offer. In fact, Miss. Worsley (Hester) later supported this by stating, ââ¬Å"Oh, your English society seems to me shallow, selfish, foolishâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Second Act).Third ActIn the ââ¬Å"Third Actâ⬠, Lord Illingworth talked about how mothers are selfish people. Yet, this is a different type of selfishness than that discussed by Miss. Worsley. Lord Illingworth referred to the fact that mothers want to hold onto their children and not let them live their own lives. He also discussed the fact that people want to live in the best society. Unfortunately, the only way for them to get there ââ¬Å"â⬠¦one has either to feed people, amuse people, or shock peopleââ¬âthat is all!â⬠(Wilde 1893, Third Act). Basically, this statement sums up how all three types of classes can coexist. For example, kings feed people, court jesters entertain, and the educated poor shock. On e could say that this was the type of country that England was.Lord Illingworth also talked about the history of women, the types of women, and religion in the ââ¬Å"Third Actâ⬠. Women were considered to be tricky. However, one can argue that the reason why women are considered by Lord Illingworth to be ââ¬Å"The tyranny of the weak over the strongâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Third Act) is because they need to be strong. Women are the ones who bear the pains of childbirth to bring leaders (kings, presidents, lords, etc.) into the world.That is why Lord Illingworthââ¬â¢s depiction of women as either plain or coloured is wrong (Wilde 1893, Third Act). Women come from a variety of backgrounds and they are more than just white and black. Thus, another thing worth noting as discussed by Lord Illingworth in the ââ¬Å"Third Actâ⬠is religion. In terms of religion, Lord Illingworth said, ââ¬Å"The only difference between the spirit and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a futureâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Third Act).In America, there are many different perceptions of what constitutes as a saint and a sinner. The notion that all individuals have a past, present, and future devalues Lord Illingworthââ¬â¢s statement. As a result, the discussion on the secret of life has new meaning. Mrs. Allonby said, ââ¬Å"[It is]â⬠¦never to have an emotion that is unbecomingâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Third Act). Kelvil said, ââ¬Å"[It is]â⬠¦to resist temptation (Wilde 1893, Third Act). Lord Illingworth pointed out, ââ¬Å"There is no secret of lifeâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Third Act). These statements suggest that philosophy was evident in England and that it was openly discussed by members of high society. Of course, this brings the play to the final act.Fourth ActIn the ââ¬Å"Fourth Actâ⬠, talk between Gerald, Mrs. Allonby and Lady Hunstanton was about how Gerald wanted to stay close to his mother, Mrs. Arbuthnot. Yet, Lady Hunstanton believed t hat by Gerald staying at home, he is being lazy (Wilde 1893). In American society, many people believe that the children should take care of their parents when the parents reach old age. Based upon the conversation between Gerald and Lady Hunstanton, some England citizens believed that a son wastes his life by trying to be near his mother (Wilde 1893).As this conversation simmers down, Gerald strikes up a conversation with his mother and tried to get her to marry Lord Illingworth which happens to be Geraldââ¬â¢s father. This twist of events indicates that not everything goes well in England. Mrs. Arbuthnot and Lord Illingworth were not married when they had Gerald. As a result, Mrs. Arbuthnot paid a high price and Lord Illingworth did not.This is a sure sign that women were punished for deeds done in their bodies out of wedlock. Yet, the men were not (Wilde 1893). In America, the fathers are forced to pay child support. Thus, this implies that men held all the power in England wh ereas there were equal opportunities in America for both men and women.Towards the end of the play, Mrs. Arbuthnot got into a heated conversation with Lord Illingworth over Gerald (their son) and marriage to him. Mrs. Arbuthnot told Lord Illingworth that he was not needed in Geraldââ¬â¢s life and that she did not want to marry him.In addition, Mrs. Arbuthnot warned Lord Illingworth to stay away from them. At this point, Lord Illingworth exchanged a few more words with Mrs. Arbuthnot and then leaves. Gerald and his wife-to-be, Miss. Worsley comes back into the house and asked who had been there. Mrs. Arbuthnot replied, ââ¬Å"A man of no importanceâ⬠(Wilde 1893, Fourth Act).ConclusionConsequently, there seems to be a shift in the power struggle between Lord Illingworth and Mrs. Arbuthnot. In the past, Lord Illingworth had gotten the best of Mrs. Arbuthnot through a number of ways, including not marrying her and not supporting their child. However, Mrs. Arbuthnot finally stoo d up for herself and spoke her mind. Lord Illingworth suggested that she would not be able to stay in England like that. However, Mrs. Arbuthnot told him that they did not plan on staying there anyway. As a result, this suggests that strong-minded England women had to find other countries to leave in order to both have and enjoy the freedoms that they deserved.ReferenceWilde, Oscar. A Woman of No Importance. 1893. Emotional Literacy Education and Mark Zimmerman. 21 May 2007 Ã
Friday, January 3, 2020
How Corruption Has Proven Detrimental Effect On Business...
While exchange based politics has existed in some form or another in most democracies for hundreds of years, this abuse of asymmetrical information is much more flagrant in Brazil. This abuse of power stems from two factors. The first being that the average voter cannot always monitor their representative, the second being that the interests of the politicians and the voters donââ¬â¢t always coincide (PubAuditsOutomce, 2). In accordance to the Bologna and Ross (Corruption entrepreneurship) study, the effects of corruption on the number of establishments in any given municipality have proven to be negative and statistically significant. Over time, corruption has proven to be detrimental to business and economic growth and has long lastingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Strong institutions at the municipal level have proved to have the strongest business growth. In addition to the lack of business growth is the lack of investment caused by corruption. It has been determined that ââ¬Å"corruption is strongly negatively associated with the investment rate, regardless of the amount of red tapeâ⬠(Mauro, P. 1995. ââ¬Å"Corruption and Growth.â⬠The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110: 681-712). This only further proves the point that adding corruption to an inefficient bureaucracy only makes the economic situation worse. Mauro further claims that ââ¬Å"there is evidence that institutional inefficiency causes low investment.â⬠Thusly, Brazilââ¬â¢s unintentional combination of corruption and bureaucratic pathologies can significantly reduce investment. While itââ¬â¢s simple to measure the amount of money misappropriated by the government though the use of audits, itââ¬â¢s much more difficult to determine precisely the investment potential that was lost due to corruption. Since the impeachment of Collor, eighty seven perc ent of private firms ââ¬Å"indicated that bribes and nepotism are frequent in government procurementâ⬠((Abramo 2004). 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