Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Victimless Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Harmless Crimes - Essay Example A genuine case of this line of reasoning is taken from a Speech at Cornell Law School One needs to totally freed oneself of the insatiability for money to see that prostitution, in spite of the fact that authorized, can never be an authentic business since it will consistently be related with wrongdoing, defilement, class, mass sexual abuse and human dealing. Most normally the rundown of exercises and direct restricted by most harsh lawful structures incorporate, prostitution, vulgarity, nakedness, and interbreeding, erotica (sex entertainment), and homosexuality (consensual oral or butt-centric sexual action). The philosophical premise of this polarity of perspectives is significant. To the libertarian side the individual and their privileges are central. Its absolutist position is introduced right plainly in the National Platform of the Libertarian Party (received at its July 2002 show in Indianapolis, Indiana), which incorporates, with respect to consensual sexual movement, the language: Harmless Crimes - Because just activities that encroach on the privileges of others can appropriately be named wrongdoings, we favor the annulment of all government, state, and neighborhood laws making 'violations' without casualties. Specifically, we advocate: the annulment of all laws with respect to consensual sexual relations, including prostitution and sales, and the discontinuance of state abuse and badgering of gay people, that they, finally, be agreed their full rights as people; the annulment of all laws directing or disallowing the ownership, use, deal, creation, or dispersion of explicitly express material, autonomous of socially recovering worth or consistence with network norms Restriction Inquisitively enough the prohibitionist side can tally under its standard two gatherings that we may customarily viewed as in conflict, upholders of conventional strict ethical quality and extremist women's activist ideologues. It is inside the all out polarity between these two perspectives that we should look at to find a sensible answer to the essential inquiry given. In our general public the conventionalist see sets the general public as central, the substance requiring the most pride, regard and thought. Along these lines the contention goes an extricating of sexual limitations will prompt the pulverization of conventional marriage and the endless supply of swarms of unattached guys who, as everybody knows, are just intrigued by a certain something. It is especially concerning the subject of prostitution that this thought is generally unmistakable. The thinking goes this way: for what reason would a man remain with help and secure a solitary lady, with all the hindrances that such conduct involves when he could be allowed to follow his impulses and have fun without result. This perspective goes further to guarantee that the family structure is simply the essential rampart of society, and in this manner prostitution ought to be precluded. The women's activist interpretation of this methodology is an inquiry from and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
List of Ministers and Advisors Essay Example
Rundown of Ministers and Advisors Essay Rundown of Ministers and Advisors | SL| Name| Designation| Joining Date | Distribution of Ministry/Division | Name| From| To| | 1| Sheik Hasinaâ | Prime Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Armed Forces Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Cabinet Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Ministry of Defense à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Ministry of Public Administration à | 28-04-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 2| Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhithâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Finance à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Finance Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Economic Relations Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Inner Resources Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Bank and Financial Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 3| Begum Matia Chowdhuryâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Agriculture à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 4| Mr. Abdul Latif Siddiqueâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Textiles and Jute à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 5| Barrister Shafique Ahmedâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Law and Justice Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Parliament Secretariat à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 6| Air Vice Marshal (Rtd. ) A K Khandkerâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Planning à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Planning Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Statistics and Informatics Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 7| Mr. Rajiuddin Ahmed Rajuâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Labor Employment à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 8| Advocate Shahara Khatunâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Posts and Tele-Communications à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | Syed Ashraful Islamâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-agents à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Local Government Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Rural Development and Co-agents Division à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 10| Engr. Khandker Mosharraf Hossainâ | Ministerâ | 6-0 1-2009â | Ministry of Expatriatesââ¬â¢ Welfare and Overseas Employment à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 11| Mr. Suranjit Sen Guptaâ | Ministerâ | 28-11-2011â | Without portfolio. | 17-04-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 12| Dr. Muhiuddin Khan Alamgirâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Home Affairs à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | 13| Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim Hiraâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Land à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 14| Mr. Abul Kalam Azadâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Cultural Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 15| Mr. Enamul Hoque Mustafa Shaheedâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Social Welfare à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 16| Mr. Dilip Baruaâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Industries à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 17| Mr. Obaidul Quaderâ | Ministerâ | 28-11-2011â | Ministry of Communications à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | Roads Division à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | We will compose a custom exposition test on List of Ministers and Advisors explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on List of Ministers and Advisors explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on List of Ministers and Advisors explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Extensions Division à | 5-11-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 18| Mr. Ramesh Chandra Senâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Water Resources à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 19| Mr. Ghulam Muhammed Quaderâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Commerce à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 20| Mr. Hasanul Haq Inuâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Information à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 21| Mr. Muhammad Faruk Khanâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 22| Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaqueâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Food à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | 23| Dr. Md. Afsarul Ameenâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Primary and Mass Education à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 24| Dr. A. F. M. Ruhal Haqueâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 25| Dr. Dipu Moniâ | Ministerâ | 8-01-2009â | Ministry of Foreign Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 26| Mr. Nurul Islam Nahidâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Education à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 27| Mr. Abdul Latif Biswasâ | Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 28| Mr. Shajahan Khanâ | Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Shipping à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 29| Dr. Hasan Mahmudâ | Ministerâ | 28-11-2011â | Ministry of Environment and Forest à | 29-11-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 30| Mr. Abul Hasan Mahamood Aliâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 31| Mr. Mostafa Faruque Mohammedâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Information Communication Technology à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 32| Mr. Md. Mazibul Hoqueâ | Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Railways à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 33| MR. H. T. Imamâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Public Administration Affairs à | 5-06-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 34| Dr. Mashiur Rahmanâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Economic Adviser à | 22-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 35| Professor Dr. Syed Modasser Aliâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Health Family Welfare and Social Welfare Affairs à | 22-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 36| Dr. Alauddin Ahmedâ | Adviserâ | 7-01-2009â | Education, Social Development and Political Affairs à | 22-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 37| Dr. Tawfiq-E-Elahi Chowdhury, BBà | Adviserâ | 14-01-2009â | Adviser to the Honble Prime Minister à | 14-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 8| Dr. Gowher Rizviâ | Adviserâ | 9-07-2009â | International Relations Affairs à | 9-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 39| Advocate Mostafizur Rahmanâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Land à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 40| Capt. A B Tajul Islam (Rtd. )à | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Liberation War Affairs à | 6-01-20 09â | Till Dateâ | | 41| Arch. Yeafesh Osmanâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Science and Technology à | 5-12-2011â | Till Dateâ | | 42| Begum Monnujan Sufianâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Labor ; Employment à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 43| Mr. Dipankar Talukdarâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 44| Mr. Ahad Ali Sarkarâ | State Ministerâ | 6-01-2009â | Ministry of Youth and Sports à | 6-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 45| Advocate Md. Shahjahan Miahâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Religious Affairs à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 46| Advocate Abdul Mannan Khanâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Housing and Public Works à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 47| Advocate Md. Kamrul Islamâ | State Ministerâ | 24-07-2009â | Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Law and Justice Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Parliament Secretariat à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 48| Advocate Shamsul Hoque Tukuâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Home Affairs à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 49| Advocate Jahangir Kabir Nanakâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-agents à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Local Government Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Rural Development and Co-agents Division à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 50| Mr. Md. Motahar Hossainâ | State Ministerâ | 24-01-2009â | Ministry of Primary and Mass Education à | 24-01-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 51| Mr. Muhammad Enamul Huqâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Power Division à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | Energy and Mineral Resources Division à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 52| Mr. Mozibur Rahman Fakirâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 53| Mr. Promode Mankinâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Social Welfare à | 16-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | 54| Begum Shirin Sharmin Chaudhuryâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Women and Children Affairs à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 55| Mr. Md. Mahabubur Rahamanâ | State Ministerâ | 31-07-2009â | Ministry of Water Resources à | 31-07-2009â | Till Dateâ | | 56| Mr. Omor Faruk Chowdhuryâ | State Minister â | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Industries à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 57| Mr. Md. Abdul Hyeeâ | State Ministerâ | 15-09-2012â | Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock à | 15-09-2012â | Till Dateâ | | 58| Maj. Gen. (Re
Friday, August 21, 2020
Characteristics of Ego Strength
Characteristics of Ego Strength Theories Personality Psychology Print Characteristics of Ego Strength By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on December 08, 2019 Libertad Leal Photography / Moment / Getty Images More in Theories Personality Psychology Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality, ego strength is the ability of the ego to deal effectively with the demands of the id, the superego, and reality.?? Those with little ego strength may feel torn between these competing demands while those with too much ego strength can become too unyielding and rigid. Ego strength helps us maintain emotional stability and cope with internal and external stress.?? Ego Strength Background According to Sigmund Freud, personality is composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the super-ego.?? The id is made up of all the primal urges and desires and is the only part of personality present at birth. The super-ego is the part of the personality that is composed of the internalized standards and rules that we acquire from our parents and society.?? It is part of the personality that pressures people to behave morally. Finally, the ego is the component of personality that mediates between the demands of reality, the urges of the id and the idealistic, but often unrealistic, standards of the super-ego. Where the id compels people to act on their most basic urges and the superego strives for adherence to idealistic standards, the ego is the aspect of personality that must strike a balance between these baser urges, moral standards, and the demands of reality. When it comes to mental well-being, ego strength is often used to describe an individuals ability to maintain their identity and sense of self in the face of pain, distress, and conflict. Researchers have also suggested that acquiring new defenses and coping mechanisms is an important component of ego strength.?? High Ego Strength People with well-developed ego strength tend to share a number of essential characteristics. They tend to be confident in their ability to deal with challenges, and they are good at coming up with solutions to lifes problems.?? They also tend to have high levels of emotional intelligence and are able to successfully regulate their emotions, even in tough situations. An individual with solid ego-strength approaches challenges with a sense that he or she can overcome the problem and even grow as a result. By having a strong ego-strength, the individual feels that he or she can cope with the problem and find new ways of dealing with struggles.?? These people can handle whatever life throws at them without losing their sense of self. People with good ego strength tend to be very resilient in the face of lifes difficulties. Rather than giving up in the face of an obstacle, these individuals view such events as tasks to be mastered and overcome. Even when very difficult events or tragedies occur, those who possess ego strength are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and move forward with a sense of optimism. Low Ego Strength On the other hand, those with weak ego-strength view challenges as something to avoid. In many cases, reality can seem too overwhelming to deal with.?? Individuals with low ego strength struggle to cope in the face of problems and may try to avoid reality through wishful thinking, substance use, and fantasies. Low ego strength is often characterized by a lack of psychological resilience. In the face of lifes challenges, those with low ego strength may simply give up or break down.
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